We are golden
Well it's that time of the year again where your dashboard and readers get full up with goals and resolutions. So heres one more to add to the list!
My 2011 resolutions can be found here. Becoming closer to God certainly didn't happen (see here) but I'm pleased with the rest! My confidence has improved so much in comparison to this time last year and I feel a big change in my self! I still need to work on my procrastination (big time) and stop worrying so much, but they are the more difficult ones I think!
My resolutions for 2012 are:
Work harder. Do more. (Spend less time on the internet!)
Earn money from art - Set up shop
Get some art published
Be happy - Change my attitude. (Happiness is a skill.)
I found this quote - "To say 'happiness is a skill' is to say that there is a way from here to there, that involves application of self, dedication and learning, with each step along the way being a step into more and more happiness."
Learn to love myself.
Keep working on my confidence.
I've also updated my goal list (the less important objectives of my year) here and I'll be changing these to 2012 ones soon! xo