It's a wonderful life

Did you all have a lovely Christmas? I did and was spoilt rotten :) We had a quiet day on Christmas day itself with just my immediate family and our presents. Yesterday was a busier affair with my grandparents coming down, playing on the wii and the delicious roast dinner! It was so good with three meats, turkey, beef and lamb, mashed potato and roast tatties and all the veggies! Plus it means I had bubble and squeak today which I love, and wish I had both meals more often! I was spoiled this year with some new pyrex bakeware, lots of cookbooks, new camera lenses, clothes, money and smellies. Chocolate, of course, and other bits and bobs. So lucky!

I hope you all had a lovely time too, quite sad that it's over now! I get to see my boyfriend again tomorrow as he is back after being with family for christmas. I also went shopping today and bought lots of lovely new things so I'll try and convince him to take some outfit photos for you all! I'm still ignoring the uni work, but I have run out of excuses xo
(Oh and I got that cute birdseye bear as my table present! Haha)

Katiechristmas, food7 Comments